Many people would say that sales mastery is an acquired skill that can be taught and learned. Some would say, either you can sell or you can’t. The bottomline is simply, when it comes to closing the sale, no matter how much you have learned some of us are better than others. However, I believe that sales is one of those skills you can constantly improve upon. In my opinion, every great sales professional or business owner must decide to master selling techniques in order to grow his or her revenue and cash flow. Below, I’ve listed five important techniques to be aware of if you want improve your sales skills and get better at selling your products and services more effectively. 

  1. Upgrade Your Sales Mindset –  Your mindset aka mental attitude refers to the way you think and feel about “selling”. Your perspective about selling will be noticeable to anyone you encounter during a sale situation. Your mindset is reflective  in your sales behaviors, actions, energy and words during the sales interaction whether it is a phone call or face to face meeting.  For example, do you perceive “sales” as an intrusion in someone’s life or an annoyance? Or do you perceive sales as an act of service or an act of love? You see, people who report icky feelings about feeling too “salesy” or having an overwhelmingly negative experience around selling, usually are not very good at it. The challenge is to change your mindset when it comes to selling and upgrade your mental perspective when it comes to the sales process.

  2. Increase Your Product or Service Knowledge  – You must have knowledge about whatever you are selling including the feature and benefits of that product or service. Even if it is something that you have personally created, you must have adequate language to describe what it is and who it is for. Your product or service knowledge, refers to the level of understanding and expertise you have around the service you offer and how confidently you can describe it to others. Whenever you are having sales conversations with potential clients, it’s critical that you use the right type of brand messaging that includes key words that will resonate with the desired audience. Your product or service knowledge, must be apparent so that the prospect believes in your credibility as well as the credibility of whatever you are selling.

  3. Develop Intuitive Sales Skills –There are many sales skills.  However, when I say intuitive sales skills, I am referring to those skills that should be innate when  you are conversing with someone. For example: not interrupting when someone is speaking, listening intently and asking direct, open ended questions.  These skills are also sales competencies you use to create an effective sales conversation. For example, your ability to use active listening, will aid you well when it comes to identifying your prospects problems, questions or concerns.  Additionally, your ability to listen effectively and in turn pose  questions to discover client’s needs fall into the category of intuitive selling. Your intuitive sales skills are in essence your capability and “know-how” when it comes to getting the job done. This “know-how” is your ability to find synergy between your services and what the prospect or client deeply wants or needs so you can ultimately close the sale.

  4. Create Sales Structure –  The sales structure refers to how you you put together all of the above elements in term of your stop by step process of the sales process. Within a sales process there is a beginning, middle and the end. The steps from beginning to end is what is referred to as the process. A very good process feels good for both parties, one person is providing a service and the other person is receiving a service. It’s a give and take process that involves flow.  It’s important that you, as the seller guides the flow between you and your prospect so that everything happens in logical sequences. For example: it’s not a good idea to send a contract before a prospect has agreed to buy. That would be presumptive, out of sequence and out of alignment with the flow of the sales process.

  5. Be Aware of your Body Language and Tone of Voice-  The vibe you give from your body movements and tone of voice is extremely important in sales situations. You do not want to come across as closed off or confrontational in your body movements. For example, crossing your arms or putting your hands on your head or on your hips is a no-no. Likewise, talking in a loud or aggressive manner is a turn-off. The body movements, facial expressions, posture, and voice tonality are all a part of your energy.      Remember the 7-38-55% rule? This rule is about the concept the communication of emotions. According to Psychology Today, the rule states that 7 percent of meaning is communicated through spoken word, 38 percent through tone of voice, and 55 percent through body language.  The best sales people understand that you must sometimes adopt to your prospect. During your sales interactions whether they are live or over the phone, you must be comfortable in your own skin and be true to  yourself while at the same time, making the prospect feel understood.  Keep in mind, your body components dramatically affect how the prospective client will perceive “you” and whether they feel safe to open up to you or not.  The goal is to get the prospect eager to talk and share the details of their situation so you can sell to them more effectively.

As you can see, the above keys are vital in any sales situation. However, there are many other keys for successfully closing new sales consistently. Leave a comment below and let us know what are some of your favorite techniques to help you secure the bag.

Now if you need help in this area, contact us. We can help you with your sales strategy and the  marketing plan to help you get leads, reach out to us. We want to see you win.

This article was written by Lori A. Manns, President of Quality Media Consultant Group. Want to use this article for your blog or business website? Here’s the author’s box that you must include.

© 2021 Quality Media Consultant Group LLC – All Rights Reserved

This article was written by Lori A. Manns. President of Quality Media Consultant Group.  Lori is a multi award-winning marketing mentor, sales coach and trailblazing business strategist who works with small business owners and entrepreneurs to help them grow and scale their businesses. She specializes in sales and marketing strategies that result in her clients attracting their target market, gaining brand visibility and growing revenue. Lori is President of Quality Media Consultant Group, a consultancy firm specializing in media, advertising, marketing and sales. She is the  founder of the Trailblazer Business Academy. where advancing entrepreneurs go to learn growth strategies and how to run a profitable business the soulful way. Lori is also the creator of the Sponsorship Sales Secrets.